例句 |
serendipitynoun literarythe unexpected occurrence of or faculty for finding valuable or agreeable things that are not soughtThey found each other by pure serendipity. blessing, boon, fluke, godsend, hit, strike, windfallfortunateness, fortune, luck, luckinessbreak, chance, coincidence, opportunitycoup, stroke knock, misadventure, mishapadversity, curse, debacle(also débâcle), sorrow, tragedy, troublecalamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, disasterdefeat, failure, fizzle, nonachievement, nonsuccessaccident, casualtydisappointment, lapse, letdown, reversal, reverse, setback, slipupcircumstance, destiny, doom, fate, lot, portionhex, jinxmischance, misfortune, unluckiness in 1754 |