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serveverb to be a servant forhe served his master faithfully for 20 years slave (for), work (for) attend, minister (to), tend (to) dance attendance (upon), wait on(also wait upon) to be enoughthey made the pasta serve for eight guests do, suffice answer, suitassuage, content, quench, sate, satiate, satisfy to be fitting or properthose old riding boots will serve for now, but you'll need newer ones for the horse show befit, beseem(archaic), do, fit(archaic), go, suit satisfy, sufficefunction, work fill the bill(or fit the bill) to behave toward in a stated waymy parents served me well in preparing me for life act (toward), be (to), deal (with), handle, treat, use consider, esteem, rate, reckon, regard, viewengage (with), react (to), respond (to) do by to have a certain purposethe harsh punishment served to teach everyone a lesson act, function, perform, work operate, runadminister, carry on, control, direct, guide, handle, manage, oversee, regulate, supervise to provide with something useful or desirablean excellent college that served her with the skills necessary to make it in today's job market advantage, avail, benefit, help, profit succeed, work (for)aid, assistbetter, improvecontent, delight, gladden, gratify, please, satisfybless hinder, impededamage, harm, hurt, impair, injureafflict, distress, upset in the 13th century |