例句 |
set onverb to take sudden, violent action againstwithout warning, bandits would set on unwary merchants as they traveled along the Silk Road assail, assault, attack, beset, bushwhack, charge, descend (on or upon), go in (on), jump (on), pounce (on or upon), raid, rush, sic(also sick), storm, strike, trash, turn (on) bum-rush, gang up (on), mob, swarmmug, robambuscade, ambush, surprise(also surprize), waylayblitz, bomb, bombard, nukebarrage, cannon, cannonadebang away (at), batter, buffet, plasterbeleaguer, besiege, pressharry, loot, pillage, plunder, ravage, sackforay, invade, overrunenvelop, flank beat up on, fly at, go at, light into, pitch into, round on, set at, set upon, tear into cover, defend, guard, protect, secure, shield in the 14th century |