例句 |
caliginousadjective being without light or without much lightwithout a flashlight, there was no way to tell what kind of creatures lurked in the caliginous cave black, dark, darkened, darkish, darkling, darksome, dim, dimmed, dusk, dusky, gloomy, lightless, murky, obscure, obscured, pitch-black, pitch-dark, pitchy, rayless, somber(or sombre), stygian, tenebrific, tenebrous, unlit crepuscular, twilitmoonless, starless, sunlesscloudy, dull, dulled, lacklustershadowlike, shadowy, shadygray(also grey), leaden, palebeclouded, befogged, clouded, foggy, fuliginous, misty, smoggy, soupy bright, brightened, brilliant, illuminated, illumined, light, lit(or lighted), lightsome, lucent, lucid, luminous ablaze, agleam, aglitter, alight, beaming, beamy, effulgent, glaring, glowing, incandescent, lambent, radiant, relucent, resplendent, shining, sparklingultrabrightglossy, lustrous, shinyfloodlit(also floodlighted), highlighted, spotlighted(or spotlit)moonlit, moony, starlit, sunlit ca. 1550 |