例句 |
gimcrackadjective of low qualitya store plastered with "going out of business" signs and notorious for selling gimcrack merchandise bad, bargain-basement, bum, cheap, cheapjack, cheesy, coarse, common, crappy(slang), cut-rate, el cheapo, execrable, inferior, junky, lousy, low-grade, low-rent, mediocre, miserable, poor, rotten, rubbishy, schlock(or schlocky also shlock or shlocky), second-rate, shoddy, sleazy, terrible, trashy, trumpery, wretched useless, valueless, worthlessindifferent, lackluster, second-classbrummagem, flashy, garish, gaudy, glitzy, kitsch, kitschy, meretricious, ostentatious, showy, splashy, swank(or swanky), tawdryseedy, shabby, tackycounterfeit, fake, phony(also phoney), shamsupercheap, ultracheap excellent, fine, first-class, first-rate, good, high-grade, superior, top-notch elegant, handsome, tastefulhandcrafted, polished, refined gimcracknouna small object displayed for its attractiveness or interesta remarkable amount of money is spent on gimcracks and other unnecessary items each year their apartment has enough gimcracks to fill up a novelty company's warehouse bauble, bibelot, curio, curiosity, doodad, gaud, gewgaw(also geegaw), kickshaw, knickknack(also nicknack), novelty, ornamental, tchotchke, trinket bijouterie, bric-a-brac, gimcrackery, trinketry, trumpery, virtu(or vertu)bagatelle, triflefigurine, objet d'art(also objet), ornamentkeepsake, memento, souvenirconversation piececollectible(or collectable), collector's item in 1676 |