例句 |
gingernoun active strength of body or minda 60-year-old with the ginger to consider skydiving lessons beans, bounce, brio, dash, drive, dynamism, energy, esprit, gas, get-up-and-go, go, gusto, hardihood, juice, life, moxie, oomph, pep, punch, sap, snap, starch, verve, vigor, vim, vinegar, vitality, zing, zip animal spirits, animation, briskness, jauntiness, liveliness, snappiness, spirit, spiritedness, sprightliness, spunk, spunkiness, vibrance, vibrancy, vivaciousness, vivacityardor, élan, fervor, fire, passion, zealmain, metal, mettle, might, muscle, potency, power, puissance, stamina, strengthbrawniness, fitness, hardiness, huskiness, sturdiness, virilityhealth, healthiness, soundness, verdure, wellness lethargy, listlessness, sluggishness, torpidity indolence, lazinessdebilitation, debility, delicacy, disablement, enfeeblement, faintness, feebleness, frailness, frailty, impotence, impotency, infirmity, powerlessness, puniness, slightness, softness, tenderness, weaknessenervation, exhaustion, inanition, prostration before the 12th century |