例句 |
rhetoricaladjectivealso rhetoric marked by the use of impressive-sounding but mostly meaningless words and phrasesyou can skip over the rhetorical passages and still get the gist of the essay bombastic, flatulent, fustian, gaseous, gassy, grandiloquent, oratorical, orotund, windy bloated, elevated, florid, flowery, grandiose, highfalutin(also hifalutin), high-flown, high-sounding, inflated, lofty, ornate, pompous, pontifical, pretentious, stilted, tumid, turgidoverdone, verbose, wordy unrhetorical eloquent, well-spokenbald, direct, matter-of-fact, plain, plainspoken, simple, stark, straightforward, unadorned, unaffected, unpretentious full of fine words and fancy expressionsthe new governor delivered a long rhetorical speech about our state's bright future but laid out no specific programs for ensuring it aureate, florid, flowery, grandiloquent, high-flown, high-sounding, highfalutin(also hifalutin), magnific, ornate, purple affected, bloated, fancy-pants, grandiose, inflated, pompous, pretentious, stiltedexcessive, flattering, fulsomeboastful, bombasticelevated, eloquent, loftybookish, inkhorn, learned prosaic, unpoeticbald, direct, lean, matter-of-fact, plain, plainspoken, simple, spare, stark, straightforward, unadornednatural, unaffected, unpretentious of or relating to words or languagethe next war that those two nations fight won't be rhetorical—it will be with bombs and bullets in the 15th century |