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nuancedadjective made or done with extreme care and accuracya nuanced, shaded representation of a hot-button issue that is too often depicted in black and white delicate, exact, fine, finespun, hairline, hairsplitting, minute, nice, refined, subtle nitpicking, quibblingfrivolous, inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, negligible, petty, piddling, trifling, trivialdemanding, exacting, fastidious, finical, finicking, finicky, fussy, meticulous, particular, picky coarse, inexact, rough apparent, clear, clear-cut, evident, manifest, obvious, open-and-shut, palpable, patent, perspicuous, plain, transparent, unambiguous, unequivocal, unmistakablebroad, indefinitecareless, heedless, incautious, slapdash, slipshod, sloppy satisfying or pleasing because of fineness or mildnessa sauce with a nuanced lemon flavor that doesn't overwhelm the taste of the fish airy, dainty, delicate, exquisite, refined, subtle choice, elegant, extraordinary, incomparable, peerless, preeminent, prime, rare, select, superior, superlative, supreme, transcendent, unsurpassedpicked, selectedfine, fragile, frail robust, strong, sturdy coarse, crude, roughcommon, ordinaryaverage, fair, indifferent, mediocre, medium, middling, run-of-the-mill, second-rate in 1881 |