例句 |
nucleinounalso nucleusespl. of nucleus a thing or place that is of greatest importance to an activity or interesta college campus that was a nucleus of opposition to the war axes, bases, capitals, centers, centrals, cores, cynosures, epicenters, eyes, foci(also focuses), ground zeros, hearts, hubs, loci, meccas, navels, nerve centers, nexuses(or nexus), omphali, seats headquartershappy hunting grounds, hives, hotbeds, hot spots, playgrounds, playlandskernels, nubs, pithsdeeps, thicksessences, quintessences, soulsattractions, lodestones(also loadstones), magnets, polestars the central part or aspect of something under considerationthe nucleus of the movement's methodology has always been passive resistance bottom lines, bull's-eyes, centerpieces, cores, cruxes(also cruces), essences, gists, hearts, kernels, keynotes, meat and potatoes, meats, nets, nubbins, nubs, piths, pivots, points, roots, sums courses, directions, drifts, tenorsbodies, contents, substanceshypotheses, propositions, purports, subjects, themes, theses |