例句 |
validatesverbpresent tense third-person singular of validate to give evidence or testimony to the truth or factualness ofa witness independently validated the policeman's version of events argues, attests, authenticates, bears out, certifies, confirms, corroborates, substantiates, supports, verifies, vindicates avouches, backs (up), testifies (to), vouches (for), witnessesguarantees, warrantsaffirms, asserts, avers, avows, declares, professesdemonstrates, documents, establishes, proves, reinforces(also reenforces) disproves, rebuts, refutes contradicts, gainsaysdenies, disavows, disclaimschallenges, contests, disputes, questions to show the existence or truth of by evidencethe booming economy in and of itself validated the soundness of the government's economic policies demonstrates, documents, establishes, proves, substantiates backs (up), buttresses, circumstantiates, corroboratesevidences, evinces, records, supports, upholds, witnessesadduces, attests, authenticates, certifies, identifiesconfirms, sustains, verifies, vouchesclinches, nails, settlesconfesses, deposes, testifies disproves, rebuts, refutes challenges, disputes, objectsalleges, assumes, conjectures, guesses, presumes, surmises, suspects |