例句 |
call offverb to draw the attention or mind to something elseshe was about to tell me the big news when her attention was called off by the arrival of another guest abstract, detract, distract, divert, throw off amuse, beguile, entertainstray, wander concentrate, focus to put an end to (something planned or previously agreed to)called off the party after half of those invited couldn't make it abandon, abort, call, cancel, cry off, drop, recall, repeal, rescind, revoke, scrap, scrub abrogate, annul, invalidate, nullify, void, write offrecant, retract, take back, withdrawcountermand, reverse, roll backbreak off, discontinue, end, halt, stop, terminatehold back, interrupt, suspendgive up, relinquish, surrender continue, keep engage, pledge, promisebegin, commence, initiate, starttake on, take up, undertake in 1633 |