例句 |
calumniousadjective causing or intended to cause unjust injury to a person's good namea calumnious campaign ad that went well beyond the negativity to which voters had become so richly accustomed defamatory, libelous(or libellous), scandalous, slanderous erroneous, false, inaccurate, incorrect, inexact, invalid, off, unsound, untrue, wrongdenigrative, denigratory, depreciative, depreciatory, derogatory, detractive, disparaging, uncomplimentary, unfavorable, unflatteringinvidious, objectionablemaligning, traducing, vilifyinghateful, malevolent, malicious, spiteful appreciative, complimentary, favorableadulatory, commendatory, eulogistic, hagiographic(also hagiographical), laudatoryaccurate, correct, errorless, factual, right, sound, true, valid |