例句 |
riddlesnounpl. of riddle something hard to understand or explainhis motives for starting an argument with the coach were a complete riddle closed books, conundrums, enigmas, head-scratchers, mysteries, mystifications, puzzlements, puzzles, secrets, whys brainteasers, cases, challenges, knots, matters, perplexities, posers, problems, stumpers, troubles riddlesverbpresent tense third-person singular of riddleto make a hole or series of holes inseveral signs along the highway were riddled by buckshot bores, drills, holes, perforates, pierces, punches, punctures broaches, tapspokes, prickles, prickspenetratesburrows (into), excavates, gouges, grooves, hollowsbreaks, cuts, gashes, notches, rends, ruptures, slashes, slits, splits fills, patches, plugs, seals to spread throughoutthe newspaper exposé revealed a gaming commission that is riddled with corruption interpenetrates, percolates (into), permeates, pervades, suffuses, transfuses diffuses (through), impregnates, passes (into), penetratesfills (up)drenches, imbues, infuses, saturates, soaks, steepsfloods, gluts |