例句 |
candidnessnoun the free expression of one's true feelings and opinionscandidness is something that we claim to admire—except when we are on the receiving end of a brutally honest assessment bluntness, candor, directness, forthrightness, frankness, honesty, openheartedness, openness, outspokenness, plainness, plainspokenness, plumpness, straightforwardness, unguardedness, unreserve, unreservedness earnestness, sincerity, sobrietyartlessness, genuineness, naïveté(also naivete or naiveté), simplicity, unsophisticationcommunicativeness, freedom, license(or licence), uninhibitedness, unrestrainedness, unrestraint dissembling, dissimulation, indirection circuitousness, evasiveness, secretivenessinhibition, reserve, restraint, reticence, shynessdiplomacy, tact |