例句 |
variableadjective capable of being readily changeda variable expense that we could reduce if we needed to adaptable, adjustable, alterable, changeable, elastic, flexible, fluid, malleable, modifiable, pliable changing, fluctuating, inconstant, labile, unstable, unsteady, varying, versatile established, fixed, immutable, inelastic, inflexible, invariable, nonmalleable, ramrod, set, unadaptable, unalterable, unbudgeable, unchangeable constant, stable, steady, unchanging, uniform, unvarying likely to change frequently, suddenly, or unexpectedlyhighly variable income from his job as a real estate agent capricious, changeable, changeful, fickle, flickery, fluctuating, fluid, inconsistent, inconstant, mercurial, mutable, skittish, temperamental, uncertain, unpredictable, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, volatile aimless, arbitrary, desultory, erratic, haphazard, hit-or-miss, irregular, random, scattered, slapdash, strayambivalent, hesitating, shaky, shilly-shally, shilly-shallying, vacillating, waveringdicey, undependable, unreliable, untrustworthyadaptable, mobile, protean, versatile up in the air certain, changeless, constant, immutable, invariable, predictable, settled, stable, stationary, steady, unchangeable, unchanging, unvarying equable, even, uniformabiding, durable, lasting, permanent, persistentdependable, reliable, sure, tried, tried-and-true, true, trustworthy, trusty in the 14th century |