例句 |
give a hard timephrase to create difficulty for the work or activity ofIf he would stop giving me a hard time about everything I do, I might get this project done on time. clog, cramp, embarrass, encumber, fetter, hamper, handcuff, handicap, hinder, hobble, hog-tie, hold back, hold up, impede, inhibit, interfere (with), manacle, obstruct, shackle, short-circuit, stymie, tie up, trammel balk, check, constrain, curb, rein, restrainbind, chain, halter, leash, tether, tiearrest, brake, delay, retain, retardbarricade, block, blockade, roadblockbog (down), mirechoke, smother, stifle, strangle, suffocatebaffle, foil, frustrate, stump, thwartderail, disrupt, sabotagemuzzle, repress, suppressconfine, hedge (in), hem (in) cramp one's style aid, assist, facilitate, help clear, make way, open, unclog, unplug, unstopfree, liberate, release, untieloosen, smoothencourage, further, promote |