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give-and-takenoun an exchange of views for the purpose of exploring a subject or deciding an issuea give-and-take about what we should do Saturday night argument, argumentation, argy-bargy(chiefly British), back-and-forth, colloquy, confab, confabulation, conference, consult, consultation, council, counsel, debate, deliberation, dialogue(also dialog), discussion, palaver, parley, talk bull session, chat room, forum, meeting, powwow(informal, now offensive), roundtable, seminar, skull session(also skull practice), symposium, talkathonchat, conversation, rap, wordsdiscourse, disquisitionbargaining, consultancy, negotiation, pourparler the act or practice of each side giving up something in order to reach an agreementnegotiating the terms of the deal will require some give-and-take on both sides accommodation, compromise, concession, negotiation haggle, horse tradeaccord, arrangement, bargain, concurrence, consensus, deal, understandingagreement, settlementmediation, treaty good-natured teasing or exchanging of clever remarksenjoyed the flirty give-and-take between the two romantic lead characters backchat, badinage, banter, chaff, jesting, joshing, persiflage, raillery, repartee barb, crack, dig, gag, gambit, jest, joke, laugh, pleasantry, quip, sally, waggery, wisecrack, witticismdrollness, facetiousness, funniness, hilariousness, humorousness, richnessfooling, kidding, mocking, razzing, ribbing, ridiculinghumor, wit, wordplaynothingschatter, chitchat, gossip, small talk in 1679 |