例句 |
glistenverb to shoot forth bursts of lightthis seemingly dull opal really glistens in full light coruscate, flame, flash, glance, gleam, glimmer, glint, glister, glitter, luster(or lustre), scintillate, shimmer, spangle, sparkle, twinkle, wink, winkle beam, radiate, shinebedazzle, blind, daze, dazzleblaze, burn, flare, glare, glow flash, gleam, glint, sparkle, glitter, glisten, glimmer, shimmer mean to send forth light.flash implies a sudden outburst of bright light.lightning flashed gleam suggests a steady light seen through an obscuring medium or against a dark background.lights gleamed in the valley glint implies a cold glancing light.glinting steel sparkle suggests innumerable moving points of bright light.the sparkling waters glitter connotes a brilliant sparkling or gleaming.glittering diamonds glisten applies to the soft sparkle from a wet or oily surface.glistening wet sidewalk glimmer suggests a faint or wavering gleam.a distant glimmering light shimmer means shining with a wavering light.a shimmering satin dress before the 12th century |