

单词 settles
例句 settlesverbpresent tense third-person singular of settle

to cause to come to rest at the bottom (as of a liquid)the light rain will settle the dust in the aircareful handling will settle the lees in the bottom of the wine bottle

lays, sediments

filters, screens, sieves, sifts, strainsclarifies, clearsresettles


agitates, disturbs, mixes, stirs

to supply with inhabitantsthe region was originally settled by farmers

colonizes, peoples, populates

inhabitsmoves (to), relocates (to)

depopulates, unpeoples

to give an opinion about (something at issue or in dispute)settled the lawsuit in favor of the defendant

adjudges, adjudicates, arbitrates, decides, determines, judges, referees, rules (on), umpires

considers, deems, deliberates, hears, ponders, weighssizes upmediates, moderates, negotiatesprosecutes, triesfinds (for or against)concludes, resolvesredetermines, rejudges

equivocates, hedges, pussyfoots, skirts

to come to an agreement or decision concerning the details ofsettled their wedding plans without any major disagreements

agrees (on), arranges, decides, fixes, sets

contracts, pledges, promisesblueprints, calculates, charts, concerts, designs, drafts, frames, hammers out, intrigues, lays out, maneuvers, maps (out), plans, programs(also programmes), schematizes, schemes, shapes, squares away, works outchooses, concludes, determines, figures, opts, resolvesaffirms, approves, authorizes, clears, confirms, OKs(or okays), sanctions, warrantscloses, completes, ends, finalizes, finishes, rounds (off or out), winds up, wraps upbargains, chaffers, deals, dickers, haggles, horse-trades, negotiates

disposes of

aborts, calls, calls off, drops, recalls, repeals, rescinds, revokesdiffers (over), disagrees (with)counters, debates, objects, opposes, protests, resistscontests, disputes

to come to rest after descending from the airbirds settling on the branches of the maple tree

alights, lands, lights, perches, roosts, touches down

belly-lands, crash-lands

blasts off, takes off

arises, ascends, climbs, risesflies, floats, glides, planes, soars, wingshangs, hovers

to establish or place comfortably or snuglysettled the sleeping baby into her crib

ensconces, installs, lodges, nestles, perches, roosts

deploys, emplaces, fixes, locates, parks, plants, positions, sets, situates, stationsanchors, bivouacs, camps, camps (out)burrows, curls up, digs inharbors, houses

to free from distress or disturbancea hot meal settled the children down

becalms, calms, composes, lullabies, lulls, quietens(chiefly British), quiets, salves, soothes, stills, tranquilizes(also tranquillizes)

appeases, conciliates, hushes, mollifies, pacifies, placatesallays, alleviates, assuages, eases, lays, mitigates, quells, relaxes, relieves, solacesnarcotizes, sedates, stupefies

agitates, discomposes, disquiets, disturbs, keys (up), perturbs, upsets, vexes

aggravates, heightens, intensifiesarouses, excites, foments, incites, rouses, stirs (up), works up

to gain emotional or mental control ofsettled himself only with visible effort after the angry outburst

calms, collects, composes, contains, controls, re-collects

holds back, restrainsrallies, recoverslulls, quiets, soothes, stills, tranquilizes(also tranquillizes)

to give what is owed forsettle a debt

antes (up), balances, clears, discharges, foots, liquidates, meets, pays, pays off, pays up, ponies up, quits, recompenses, springs (for), stands


to make final, definite, or beyond disputethis information should settle the question of who is right

clinches, decides, determines, nails

demonstrates, establishes, nails (down), proves, showsaffirms, assures, ensures, insures, securesdefines, specifies, states, stipulatesclarifies, clears (up), illuminatesconcludes, ends, finishes

confuses, muddies, muddles, unsettles

to stop the noise or speech ofsettled the class with a firm "quiet!"

dumbs, extinguishes, hushes, mutes, quells, quietens(chiefly British), quiets, shushes, shuts up, silences, squelches, stills

agitates, stirs





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