例句 |
sewagenoun waste material (such as human urine and feces) that is carried away from homes and other buildings in a system of pipesraw sewage crud, slop, swill, washchaff, deadwood, debris, dreck(also drek), dross, dust, effluvium(also effluvia), garbage, junk, litter, offal, offscouring, raffle, refuse, riffraff, rubbish, scrap, spilth, trash, truck, wastedetritus, remains, rubble, ruinsdump, scrap heaplumber, odds and ends, trumperyflotsam, jetsam, wreckagecastoff, cull, discard, hand-me-down, reject, throwawaynothing, straw, two bits catch, gem, goody(or goodie), jewel, pearl, plum, prize, treasure, treasure trove, trove, valuablebooty, find, salvage in 1834 |