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shadownoun partial darkness due to the obstruction of light raysthe valley was in shadow dusk, penumbra, shade, shadiness, umbra blackness, dimness, duskiness, gloom, gloominess, murkiness, obscurity, semidarkness, sombernesscloudiness brightness, brilliance, effulgence, illumination, incandescence, light, lightness, lucidity, lucidness, luminance, luminosity, luminousness, radiance, radiancy shadows pl.a time or place of little or no lightlurking in the shadows black, blackness, candlelight, dark, darkness, dusk, gloaming, gloom, murk, night, semidarkness, shade, twilight, umbra midnightblackout, brownout, dimoutshadiness, umbragedullness(also dulness), sombernesscloudiness, fogginess, haziness, mistiness, murkinessdimness, faintness, gloominess, grayness, palenesshalf-light blaze, brightness, brilliance, day, daylight, glare, glow, light, lightness moonlight, starlight, sunlighteffulgence, radiance, radiancy, shine, sunshineincandescence, luminance, luminescence, luminosity, luminousness a tiny often physical indication of something lost or vanisheda run-down mansion that is only a shadow of its former glory echo, ghost, relic, trace, vestige memento, remembrance, reminderartifactafterimage, aftertastebalance, corpse, hangover, leftover, oddment, remainder, remnant, scrapdreg(s), leavings, remain(s), residual, residue, rest a very small amountnot even a shadow of a doubt about the defendant's guilt ace, bit, crumb, dab, dram, driblet, glimmer, hint, lick, little, mite, nip, ounce, particle, peanuts, ray, scintilla, scruple, shade, shred, skosh, smack, smell, smidgen(also smidgeon or smidgin or smidge), snap, soupçon, spark, spatter, speck, splash, spot, sprinkling, strain, streak, suspicion, tad, touch, trace hoot, iota, jot, minim, minimum, modicum, semblance, syllable, tittle, vestige, whitatom, dot, fleck, flyspeck, grain, granule, molecule, morsel, mote, nubbin, patch, scrapdash, drop, pinchpart, portion, sectionbite, nibble, tastehandful, scattering, smatter, smatteringdose, shotchip, flake, fragment, shard, shiver, sliver, smithereens, splintertatterclipping, paring, shaving drop in the bucket abundance, barrel, boatload, bucket, bundle, bushel, deal, fistful, gobs, heaps, lashings(also lashins, chiefly British), loads, lot, mass, mess, mountain, much, oodles, passel, peck, pile, plenty, potful, profusion, quantity, raft, reams, scads, stack, wad, wealthvolumebonanza, embarrassment, excess, overabundance, overage, overflow, overkill, overmuch, oversupply, superabundance, superfluity, surfeit, surpluschunk, hunk, lump, slab the soul of a dead person thought of especially as appearing to living peoplerumors of a shadow haunting the castle apparition, bogey(also bogie or bogy), familiar spirit, ghost, hant(dialect), haunt(chiefly dialect), materialization, phantasm(also fantasm), phantom, poltergeist, shade, specter(or spectre), spirit, spook, sprite, vision, visitant, wraith angel, daimon, familiar, genie, genius, jinni(or jinn also djinni or djinn), shaitandouble, doppelgänger(or doppelganger), fetchlemures, manesincubus, lamia, succubus, vampire, zombie(also zombi)cacodemon, demon(or daemon), devil, fiend, ghoul, imp an overspreading element that produces an atmosphere of gloomthe husband's adulterous affair had cast over their marriage a shadow from which there was no escape cloud, darkness, pall fog, haze, mist, murk, penumbra, umbramidnight, nightmantle, shroud, veil shadowverbto go after or on the track ofshadowing the suspect to see what he was up to bird-dog, chase, course, dog, follow, hound, pursue, run, tag, tail, trace, track, trail accompany, chaperone(or chaperon), escorthunt, search (for), seekeye, observe, watch run after guide, lead, pilot head to make dark, dim, or indistinctthickening clouds shadowed the countryside becloud, bedim, befog, blacken, blear, blur, cloud, darken, dim, dislimn, fog, fuzz (up), haze, mist, obscure, overcast, overcloud, overshadow, shroud adumbrate, blot out, conceal, eclipse, hide, obliterate, screen, shadecamouflage, cloak, cover, curtain, disguise, mask, veil brighten, illuminate, illumine, light (up), lighten expose, reveal, uncover, unveil to shelter (something) from light and heata pathway shadowed by a canopy of arching branches shade cloud, darken, dim, dull, overcast, overshadowcanopy, cover, protect, screen illuminate, light, lightenexpose before the 12th century |