例句 |
shamansnounpl. of shaman someone who is believed in some cultures to be able to use magic to cure people who are sick, to control future events, etc.went to the shaman for a remedy medicine men, shamanists, witch doctorscharmers, conjurers(or conjurors), enchanters, mages, magi, Magians, magicians, necromancers, sorcerers, voodooists, voodoos, witches, wizardsenchantresses, hags, hexes, sorceresseswarlocksoccultiststhaumaturges, thaumaturgists, theurgists, wonder-workerscrystal gazers, diviners, foreseers, fortune-tellers, prognosticators, prophesiers, prophets, seers, soothsayersmediums(or media)exorcisers, exorcists |