例句 |
shamusesnounpl. of shamusslang a member of a force charged with law enforcement at the local levela hard-bitten L.A. shamus who, when he's not battling crooks, is locking horns with his superiors bobbies(British), bulls(slang), constables(chiefly British), coppers, cops, flatfeet(slang), fuzzes, gendarmes, lawmen, officers, policemen, police officers patrolmen, policewomendetectives, dicks, gumshoes, hawkshaws, inspectors, investigators, plainclothesmen, sherlocks, sleuthhounds, sleuthsmarshals(also marshalls), sheriffs, trooperspeace officerscaptains, lieutenants, sergeantsconstabularies, heat(slang), men, police, police forcesoperatives, private detectives, private eyes, private investigators civilians a person not on the police force who investigates criminal or illicit activity or searches for missing personshe's a shamus who mostly finds evidence to use in divorce cases detectives, dicks, gumshoes, hawkshaws, investigators, operatives, private detectives, private eyes, private investigators, sherlocks, sleuthhounds, sleuths shadows, tails, tracers, trackersFederals, feds, G-men, narcs(or narks, slang), plainclothesmen |