例句 |
obliviousadjective not informed about or aware of somethingthe out-of-state motorist claimed to be oblivious of the local speed limit, even though the signs must have been hard to miss clueless, ignorant, incognizant, innocent, insensible, nescient, unacquainted, unaware, unconscious, uninformed, unknowing, unmindful, unwitting uneducated, unschooled, untaughtabsent, absentminded, abstracted, heedless, inattentive, inconscient in the dark acquainted, aware, cognizant, conscious, conversant, grounded, informed, knowing, mindful, witting au courant, hip, plugged-in, up-to-dateeducated, knowledgeable, schooled, taughtheedful, observantsensitive, sentient in the 15th century |