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obloquiesnounpl. of obloquy harsh insulting languageunable to mount a rational defense of her position, she unleashed a torrent of obloquy on her opponent abuses, billingsgates, fulminations, invectives, scurrilities, vitriols, vituperations blackguardismsblasphemies, curses, execrations, imprecations, maledictions, profanitiesepithets, insults, put-downs, slursexpletives, swearwordsaspersions, belittlements, disparagements, revilements, vilificationscastigations, chastisements, criticisms, excoriations, opprobriums, rebukes, reprimands, reproofsbroadsides, diatribes, harangues, polemics, tirades acclaim, applauses, commendations, praisescompliments, congratulations, endearments, felicitationsadulations, blarneys, flatteries, overpraises, soft soaps the state of having lost the esteem of othersalthough he had beaten the murder rap, the accused murderer was condemned to live out his days in perpetual obloquy discredit, disesteems, disgraces, dishonors, disreputes, ignominies, infamies, odiums, opprobriums, reproaches, shames scandalscontempts, despites, disdains, scornsdeprecations, disapprobations, disapprovals, disfavorsabasements, debasements, degradations, dust, humiliationsblots, brands, shadows, slurs, smirches, spots, stains, stigmas(or stigmata), taints esteems, honors, respects admirations, appreciations, estimations, regardsawes, fears, reverencesfames, glories, renowns, reputes |