例句 |
obscenitynoun the quality or state of being obscenethe song couldn't be performed on the air due to the obscenity of the lyrics bawdiness, blueness, coarseness, crudeness, crudity, dirt, dirtiness, filth, filthiness, foulness, grossness, impureness, impurity, indecency, lasciviousness, lewdness, nastiness, profanity, raunch, raunchiness, ribaldry, smut, smuttiness, vulgarity, wantonness broadness, earthiness, gaminess, raciness, saltiness, suggestivenessimmodesty, indecorousness, indelicacy, indelicateness, lowness, unbecomingnesslecherydepravedness, depravity, kinkiness, naughtiness, perverseness, perversion, perversity, pervertedness, wickednessexceptionability, objectionableness, unacceptability, undesirabilityreprehensibility, reprehensiblenessabusiveness, scurrilousnessatrociousness, atrocity, infamy, loathsomeness, offensiveness, repellency, repugnance, repulsivenessdistastefulness, obnoxiousness, unpleasantness priggery, priggishness, primness, prudery, prudishness, puritanismcorrectness, decency, decorousness, decorum, seemlinessappropriateness, fitness, suitability, suitablenessperfection, purity, spotlessness a disrespectful or indecent word or expressionuttered a loud obscenity when he dropped the hammer on his toe curse, cuss, cussword, dirty word, expletive, four-letter word, profanity, swear, swearword, vulgarism bawdry, language, scurrilityexecration, imprecation, maledictionepithet, nameoath in 1589 |