例句 |
carefulnessnoun a close attentiveness to avoiding dangerher natural carefulness keeps her from having car accidents and the high insurance premiums that go with them alertness, care, caution, cautiousness, chariness, circumspection, gingerliness, guardedness, heedfulness, prudence, wariness attentiveness, observance, vigilance, watchfulnessforesight, foresightedness, providencecalculation, canniness, deliberateness, deliberation, shrewdness brashness, carelessness, heedlessness, incaution, incautiousness, recklessness, unwariness abruptness, hastiness, impetuousness, precipitousness, rashness, suddennessinconsiderateness, inconsideration, thoughtlessness strict attentiveness to what one is doinga degree of carefulness is required to get the details just right care, closeness, conscientiousness, heed, heedfulness, meticulosity, meticulousness, pains, scrupulousness advertence, advertency, attention, concentration, focus, observance, observationalertness, mindfulness, vigilance, watchfulnessdutifulness, irreproachability, irreproachableness, punctiliousness, responsibilitybother, effort, painstaking, troubleexactness, particularity, precision heedlessness, inattentiveness, negligence inadvertence, inadvertency, inattention, inobservance archaicattention accompanied by protectiveness and responsibilitywith what carefulness they tended the frail princess day and night! care, lovingness, solicitousness, solicitude concern, considerateness, consideration, kindness, thoughtfulnessbabying, coddling, pampering carelessness inconsiderateness, inconsideration, thoughtlessness, unconcern, unkindness |