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goadjective being in a state of fitness for some experience or actionall systems are go fit, prepared, ready, set conditioned, primed, ripearmed, braced, fortified, steeledqualified, trained flat-footed, half-baked, half-cocked, underprepared, unprepared, unready unqualified, untrained gonouna practice or interest that is very popular for a short timesnowboarding is all the go buzz, chic, craze, dernier cri, enthusiasm, fad, fashion, flavor, hot ticket, last word, latest, mode, rage, sensation, style, ton, trend, vogue nine days' wonder(also nine day wonder)new wavecrush, infatuationfervor, passionfuror, fuss, hullabaloo, to-do, uproarbandwagon, crusade, cult, movementnovelty, wrinklecaprice, fancy, whim classic, standard active strength of body or minda healthy six-year-old full of go beans, bounce, brio, dash, drive, dynamism, energy, esprit, gas, get-up-and-go, ginger, gusto, hardihood, juice, life, moxie, oomph, pep, punch, sap, snap, starch, verve, vigor, vim, vinegar, vitality, zing, zip animal spirits, animation, briskness, jauntiness, liveliness, snappiness, spirit, spiritedness, sprightliness, spunk, spunkiness, vibrance, vibrancy, vivaciousness, vivacityardor, élan, fervor, fire, passion, zealmain, metal, mettle, might, muscle, potency, power, puissance, stamina, strengthbrawniness, fitness, hardiness, huskiness, sturdiness, virilityhealth, healthiness, soundness, verdure, wellness lethargy, listlessness, sluggishness, torpidity indolence, lazinessdebilitation, debility, delicacy, disablement, enfeeblement, faintness, feebleness, frailness, frailty, impotence, impotency, infirmity, powerlessness, puniness, slightness, softness, tenderness, weaknessenervation, exhaustion, inanition, prostration an effort to do or accomplish somethingit took several goes to get the car started assay(archaic), attempt, bash(chiefly British), bid, crack, endeavor, essay, fling, offer, pass, shot, stab, trial, try, whack, whirl striving, struggle, throes, undertakingtrial and error readiness to engage in daring or difficult activitya young executive with the go to make this company grow action, aggressiveness, ambition, drive, enterprise, hustle, initiative grit, gumption, pluck, snap, spirit, spunk, starchambitiousness, killer instinct, overambitiousnessassertiveness, self-relianceenergy, hardihood, pep, vigor, vitality inactivity, inertia, passivitydiffidence, faintheartedness, timidityhesitation, reluctanceindolence, laziness, lethargy goverbto move forward along a courseeverything is going according to our plans advance, come, come along, do, fare, forge, get along, get on, go along, go off, march, pace, proceed, progress accelerate, fast-forward, speedapproach, nearjourney, pass, repair, run, travel, wendactuate, drive, impel, propel, pushtake out gain ground remain, stand, stay, stop arrest, balk, block, check, detain, halt, hinder, hold back, impede, nip, obstruct, slow (down or up), stemrepress, retard, stunt, suppressdelay, interrupt, stallcramp, hamper, inhibitcease, let up, pauseregresswait to leave a place often for anotherwill go on vacation at the end of the year decided it would be better to go before she got any angrier bail, bail out, begone, book(slang), bugger off(British slang), bug off, bug out, buzz (off), clear off(chiefly British), clear out, cut out, depart, dig out, exit, get, get off, go off, move, pack (up or off), part, peel off, pike (out or off), pull out, push off, push on, quit, run along, sally (forth), scarper(British), shove (off), step (along), take off, vamoose, walk out set out, start, strike outabscond, decamp, escape, evacuate, flee, fly, get out, mizzle(chiefly British), run away, scat, scram, skipgo out, light out, step outabandon, desert, forsake, vacateemigrateadjourn, remove, retire, retreat, withdraw beat it, hit the road, pull stakes(or pull up stakes), take a hike(also take a walk), take a powder arrive, come, show up, turn up abide, dwell, lodge, remain, settle, stay, tarryapproach, close, nearhit, land, reach to be fitting or properat Mardi Gras, just about anything goes befit, beseem(archaic), do, fit(archaic), serve, suit satisfy, sufficefunction, work fill the bill(or fit the bill) to be in agreement on every pointyour account of how the fire started doesn't go with what she said accord, agree, answer, check, chord, cohere, coincide, comport, conform, consist, correspond, dovetail, fit, harmonize, jibe, rhyme(also rime), sort, square, tally equal, match, parallelalign(also aline), line up, register fall in with differ (from), disagree (with) contradict, dispute, gainsaynegate, nullifyclash, conflict, jar to be positioned along a certain course or in a certain directionthe highway goes right along the river bear, extend, head, lead, lie, run cross, cut, passcourse, follow, span, traverse to eventually have as a state or qualityshe goes crazy on the dance floor when they start playing 1980s pop the room went dark become, come, get, grow, run, turn, wax alter, change, metamorphose, modify, mutate, transfigure, transform, transmute abide, be, continue, linger, remain, stay to fall down or in as a result of physical pressurewatched the building go after the demolition crew detonated the charges buckle, cave (in), collapse, crumple, founder, give, go out, implode, tumble, yield deflate, flatten, melt, melt downbreak, break down, conk (out), crash, die, fail, give out, stallburst, shatter, smash, splinter, splitcrack, crumble, pop, snap give way inflate, rise, swell to have or be in a usual or proper placethese plates go in this cabinet belong place, stayfit (in) to lose bodily strength or vigorwhen you get old, your eyesight starts to go decay, droop, emaciate, fade, fail, flag, lag, languish, sag, sink, waste (away), weaken, wilt, wither break down, wear outyielddegenerate, deteriorate, rot, run down convalesce, rally, rebound, recover, recuperategain to make one's way through, across, or overI went the length of the street before finding an empty parking space course, cover, cross, cut (across), follow, navigate, pass (over), perambulate, peregrinate, proceed (along), track, transit, travel, traverse hike, traipse, tramp, tread, walkride, runcrisscross to occur within a continuous range of variationselling prices for houses in that neighborhood generally go between one and two million range, run, vary alternate, fluctuate, move, shiftchange, mutateextend, reach, stretch, sweep to risk (something) on the outcome of an uncertain eventto play in this game of poker, you have to be willing to go at least five dollars per round bet, gamble, lay, play, put, stake, wager bid, offeradventure, chance, hazard, speculate, ventureendanger, imperil, jeopardize chiefly Southern & Midlandto have in mind as a purpose or goalI didn't go to fire the gun—it just went off aim, allow(chiefly Southern & Midland), aspire, calculate, contemplate, design, intend, look, mean, meditate, plan, propose, purport, purpose dream, hope, wishconsider, debate, mull (over), ponderattempt, endeavor, strive, struggle, tryplot, schemeaccomplish, achieve, effect, execute, perform figure on to come to an endwe were having so much fun that the evening just came and went break off, break up, cease, close, conclude, dead-end, determine, die, discontinue, elapse, end, expire, finish, halt, lapse, leave off, let up, pass, quit, stop, terminate, wind up, wink (out) desist (from), lay off (of), refrain (from)give over(British), knock off, pack (up or in)break down, conk (out), cut out, stallpause, stay, suspendabate, peter (out), wind down bite the dust continue, hang on, persist draw out, extend, prolong, protract to have enough money forI think I can go for the new car after all afford, swing coverexpend, finance, outlay, pay (for), pony up, spring (for)pick up, purchase, takeacquire, get, obtain, procure, securebid, offerbankroll, endow, subsidize, underwrite to put up with (something painful or difficult)I can't go the smell of that rotting food for one more minute abide, absorb, accept, bear, bide(chiefly dialect), brook, countenance, endure, hack, handle, meet, pocket, stand, stick out, stomach, support, sustain, sweat out, take, tolerate, wear(British) allow, permit, suffer, swallowreconcile (to)acquiesce, agree (with or to), assent (to), capitulate, consent (to), respect, submit (to), yield (to) live with, lump (it), stand for, tough it out decline, dismiss, refuse, reject, repudiate, spurn, turn downcombat, contest, fight, oppose, resistavoid, bypass, circumvent, dodge, elude, escape, evade, missabstain (from), forbear, refrain (from) to stop livingher grandmother went peacefully last night check out, conk (out), croak(slang), decease, demise, depart, die, drop, end, exit, expire, fall, flatline, kick in(slang), kick off(slang), part, pass (on), pass away, peg out(chiefly British), perish, pop off, step out, succumb predeceaseconsume, disappear, dry up, fade, fail bite the dust, buy it(or buy the farm), give up the ghost, kick the bucket, snuff it(British) breathe, live come to, revivelingerbe, exist, subsistflourish, prosper, thrive to turn out as planned or desiredwe tried very hard to get the food cooperative to go, but it never really worked out click, come off, deliver, go over, pan out, succeed, work out catch onflourish, prosper, thrivecook, percolate bear fruit, catch fire, deliver the goods, do the trick, go like clockwork bomb, collapse, fail, flop, flunk, fold, founder, miss, strike out, wash out languishflounder, struggledecline, sink, skid, slip, slump, wanecrash, crater, crumble, flame outchoke, crack up, miscarry, misfirefall down, go underimplode, self-destruct before the 12th century |