例句 |
goatnoun a person or thing taking the blame for othersan unhappy childhood was the goat he used to rationalize every failure and shortcoming fall guy, scapegoat, whipping boy victimbutt, dupe, fool, laughingstock, mark, mockery, monkeyexcuse go atphraseto take sudden, violent action againstHe went at his opponent with such fervor, the fight was practically over before it began. assail, assault, attack, beset, bushwhack, charge, descend (on or upon), go in (on), jump (on), pounce (on or upon), raid, rush, set on, sic(also sick), storm, strike, trash, turn (on) bum-rush, gang up (on), mob, swarmmug, robambuscade, ambush, surprise(also surprize), waylayblitz, bomb, bombard, nukebarrage, cannon, cannonadebang away (at), batter, buffet, plasterbeleaguer, besiege, pressharry, loot, pillage, plunder, ravage, sackforay, invade, overrunenvelop, flank beat up on, fly at, light into, pitch into, round on, set at, set upon, tear into cover, defend, guard, protect, secure, shield to start work on energeticallyShe went at that project with such enthusiasm, you could tell it was a labor of love. attack, dive (into), tackle, wade (in or into) address, approach, facebuckle (down to), concentrate (on), focus (on), knuckle down (to), zero (in on)fall (to), pitch in, plunge (in), settle (down)pursue, take up, undertake have at, light into, pitch into, sail into, tear into avoid, evade, shundally, dawdle, dillydally, fiddle (around), fool, idle, lag, mess, monkey (around), play, poke, potter (around), putter (around), trifle before the 12th century |