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offernoun an effort to do or accomplish somethingmade the usual halfhearted offer to grab the check before his dinner companion could assay(archaic), attempt, bash(chiefly British), bid, crack, endeavor, essay, fling, go, pass, shot, stab, trial, try, whack, whirl striving, struggle, throes, undertakingtrial and error something which is presented for considerationa job offer that I couldn't refuse proffer, proposal, proposition, suggestion counteroffer, counterproposal, countersuggestionfeeler, overturemotionadvancement, nomination, recommendationbid, presentation, submission, submittal, tenderarrangement, game, ground plan, layout, line, plan, plot, project, strategy, systemconception, idea, notion, theory, thought offerverbto put before another for acceptance or considerationI offered my boss an alternative to the original plan, which would have required me to work overtime extend, give, proffer, tender, trot out pose, proposehold outgive in, submitvolunteer run by(or run past) accept, receive, takeaccredit, approbate, approve, authorize, clear, confirm, finalize, formalize, homologate, OK(or okay), ratify, sanction, warrantdecline, deny, disallow, disapprove, negative, reject, turn down, vetorebuff, rebut, refuse, spurnretract, withdrawdisregard, ignore, neglect, overlook to set before the mind for considerationoffered the idea of a vacation at a beach resort in the Caribbean advance, bounce, pose, proffer, propose, propound, suggest, vote movenominate, recommendpresent, submit, tender, trot outfile, lay, lodgearrange, calculate, chart, contrive, cover, frame, map, plan, plot, shape put forth, put forward to bring before the public in performance or exhibitiona summer theater offering a full schedule of musicals to the vacationing public carry, give, mount, present, stage display, exhibit, expose, parade, show, show off, unveilpreviewact, impersonate, perform, play, portraydepict, dramatize, enact, render, representextend, proffer, tender come out with to give up as an offering to a godwhen fruits, flowers, or crops are offered, the offering is known as a bloodless sacrifice immolate, sacrifice consecrate, dedicate, devotegive, hand over, surrender, yield before the 12th century |