例句 |
officenoun a large unit of a governmental, business, or educational organizationthe company's main office is in Atlanta something one must do because of prior agreementone of the chief offices of a friend is to be there in someone's hour of need burden, charge, commitment, devoir, do(archaic), duty, imperative, incumbency, need, obligation, responsibility oath, pledge, promise, troth, vow, wordarrangement, prearrangement, setupcompact, contract, covenant, pact, trustdebt, payment, tributecompulsion, constraint, restraintmust, requirementcoercion, duress, forceappointment, engagement, reservationonus grace, postponement, staydischarge, ease, exemption, release, relief, waiverloopholealternative, choice, option, pick, preference, selection function, office, duty, province mean the acts or operations expected of a person or thing.function implies a definite end or purpose or a particular kind of work.the function of language is two-fold: to communicate emotion and to give information — Aldous Huxley office is typically applied to the function or service associated with a trade or profession or a special relationship to others.they exercise the offices of the judge, the priest, the counsellor — W. E. Gladstone duty applies to a task or responsibility imposed by one's occupation, rank, status, or calling.it is the judicial duty of the court, to examine the whole case — R. B. Taney province applies to a function, office, or duty that naturally or logically falls to one.I felt it was not my province to inquire — Anne Brontë in the 13th century |