例句 |
carolnoun a religious songsang carols at the Christmas Eve service anthem, canticle, chorale, hymn, psalm, spiritual dirge, lament, requiem, threnodyGloria Patri, hallelujah, paeanmass, oratorioprocessional, recessional carolverbto produce musical sounds with the voiceshe caroled with glee when she heard the good news chant, descant, sing, vocalize belt, croon, harmonize, hum, lilt, quaver, scat, sharp, slur, trill, troll, warble, yodelserenade to proclaim the glory oflandscape photographs that carol the majesty and monumentality of Yosemite Valley bless, celebrate, emblazon, exalt, extol(also extoll), glorify, hymn, laud, magnify, praise, resound adore, belaud, deify, idolize, worshipacclaim, applaud, commend, compliment, hail, renown, salutechant, cheer, eulogize, rhapsodizeciteflattercrack up, recommend, tout blame, censure, reprehend, reprobatecriticize, reproveadmonish, chide, keelhaul, rebuke, reprimand, reproachcastigate, lambaste(or lambast) in the 14th century |