例句 |
carpersnounpl. of carper a person given to harsh judgments and to finding faultseventually, almost everyone learned to avoid the ski school's resident carper castigators, cavilers(or cavillers), censurers, criticizers, critics, disparagers, faultfinders, hypercritics, knockers, nigglers, nitpickers condemners(or condemnors), denouncersbelittlers, decriers, denigrators, deriders, detractorsassailants, attackers, crucifierscriticasters, hairsplitters, pettifoggers, quibblersadmonishers, haranguers, railers, ranters, rebukers, reproachers, reprovers, scolds, upbraidersbellyachers, complainers, crybabies, fussers, gripers, grouches, grousers, grumblers, whiners commenders, praisers |