例句 |
carry-onnoun a bag carried by hand and designed to hold a traveler's clothing and personal articlesthe airline allows two carry-ons per person carryall, grip, handbag, holdall(chiefly British), portmanteau, suitcase, traveling bag, wallet overnight bag(also overnight case), weekend bag(also weekend case), weekendercosmetic case, traveling casecarpetbag, duffel bag, kit, kit bagbackpack, haversack, knapsack, packsack, rucksackattaché, attaché case, briefcase, valisebaggage, bags, luggage carry onverbto behave badlya toddler crying and carrying on in the store act out, act up, misbehave misconductdisobey, rebelclown (around), cut up, fool around, horse around, kid (around)show offroughhouse raise Cain(or raise hell), run riot obeyacquit, act, bear, comport, conduct, demean, deport, quitcomply, conformcheck, collect, compose, constrain, contain, control, curb, handle, inhibit, move, quiet, repress, restrain to continue despite difficulties, opposition, or discouragementshe bravely carried on despite the loss of her husband persevere, persist dig in, hang on, keep upfollow through (with)knuckle down gut it out, hang in there give up, knock off, quitbow, give in, submit, succumb, surrender, yieldfalter, hang back, hesitate, shilly-shally, vacillate, waver, wobble(also wabble) to look after and make decisions aboutcarries on a business and still manages to run the household administer, administrate, conduct, control, direct, govern, guide, handle, keep, manage, operate, overlook, oversee, preside (over), regulate, run, steward, superintend, supervise, tend care (for), mind, watchlead, pilot, steerguard, protect, safeguardmicromanage, stage-managecodirect, comanage watch over in 1600 |