例句 |
carsnounpl. of car a self-propelled passenger vehicle on four wheelsevery teenager's dream of getting a driver's license and a first car automobiles, autos, buses(also busses), horseless carriages, machines, motorcars, motors, motor vehicles, wheels(slang) coaches, jitneys, microbuses(or microbusses), minibuses(or minibusses), minivans, omnibuses, vansconvertibles, fastbacks, hardtops, hatchbacks, notchbacks, ragtops, sports cars, sport-utility vehicles, station wagons, SUVs, town cars, wagons, woodiescompacts, coupes(or coupés), intermediates, limousines, minicars, minis, sedans, subcompacts, V-8sgas-guzzlers, land yachtsmuscle cars, stock cars, turbocarsbeaters, clunkers, crates, flivvers, jalopies, junkerscream puffsphaetons, roadsters, tin lizzies, touring carshybrids |