例句 |
cartoonsnounpl. of cartoon a picture using lines to represent the chief features of an object or scenea political cartoon mocking the state legislature delineations, drawings, sketches contours, figures, outlines, silhouettescaricatures, doodles, illustrationsdepictions, images, likenesses, portraits, representationsengravings, etches, etchingsaquatints, charcoals, line drawings, pastels, watercolorsblueprints a series of drawings that tell a story or part of a storyreading the cartoons in the Sunday newspaper a poor, insincere, or insulting imitation of somethingin this biopic the life of a complex man is reduced to a cartoon caricatures, farces, jokes, mockeries, parodies, shams, travesties burlesques, comedieslampoons, takeoffscounterfeits, fakes, forgeries, hoaxes, humbug, knockoffs, phonies(also phoneys), pretenses(or pretences), shams, simulations homages, tributes |