例句 |
castlenoun a structure or place from which one can resist attackthe implacable attackers placed the castle under a prolonged siege bastion, citadel, fastness, fort, fortification, fortress, hold, redoubt, stronghold battlement, breastwork, bulwark, earthwork, embattlement, parapet, rampartbunker, dugoutblockhouse, garrison housealcazar, casbah(also kasbah) a large impressive residencethe mining tycoon built a magnificent castle on the hill overlooking the town château, estate, hacienda, hall, manor, manor house, manse, mansion, palace, villa showplaceabode, domicile, dwelling, habitation, hearth, home, house, lodging(s), pad, placehousing, nest, quarter(s), residency, roofgreat housecountry house, countryseataerie, penthousesalon, suite, town house before the 12th century |