例句 |
old ladynoun a female human parentthe story is that my old lady wanted to name me "Cecil," but the old man prevailed the female partner in a marriagehe jokingly commented that he'd love to buy a sports car, but his old lady would throw a fit helpmate, helpmeet, lady, little woman, madam, missus(or missis), Mrs., wife, wifey, woman(chiefly dialect) bridebetter half, companion, consort, mate, partner, significant other, soul mate, spousedowager, matronhausfrau, homemaker, housekeeper, housewife, stay-at-homewidow a female romantic companionif he ever tried stepping out on her, his old lady would fill him with buckshot gal, gill, girl, girlfriend, inamorata, lady, ladylove, woman mistress, mollbeloved, darling, dear, favorite, flame, honey, love, lover, significant other, sweet, sweetheart, valentine in 1599 |