例句 |
old mennounpl. of old man a male human parentI'll ask my old man if he's up for a round of golf this weekend the male partner in a marriagemy old man and I have been together for 10 years now hubbies, husbands, men, misters better halves, companions, consorts, mates, partners, significant others, spousesMr. Rightssoul matesbridegrooms, groomsbenedictswidowershousehusbands a male romantic companionmy old man and I have decided to move in together beaux(or beaus), boyfriends, boys, fellows, men, swains admirers, crushes, steadiesgallants, suitors, wooersbeloveds, darlings, dears, favorites, flames, honeys, lovers, loves, significant others, soul mates, sparkers, sparks, squeezes(slang), sweethearts, sweetie pies, sweeties, sweets, valentinesfancy men, gigolosdates, escortsgrooms, husbandsfiancés, intendeds |