例句 |
old-timernoun a person of advanced yearsa group of old-timers playing shuffleboard ancient, elder, geriatric, golden-ager, oldster, senior, senior citizen gaffer, graybeard, patriarch, whitebeardbeldam(or beldame), dowager, grandam(or grandame)adult, grown-updotard youngster, youth adolescent, minorchild, cub, juvenile, kid, kiddie(also kiddy) a person with long experience in a specified areaold-timers in the fishing industry couldn't remember a time when catches were so low doyen, old hand, stager, vet, veteran, warhorse doyenneadept, dab hand(chiefly British), expert, guru, hand, master, maven(also mavin), past master, pro, professional beginner, colt, fledgling, freshman, greenhorn, neophyte, newbie, newcomer, novice, recruit, rookie, tenderfoot, tyro apprentice, cubboot, novitiateamateur, dilettantelearner, student, traineecandidate, entrant, probationer in 1856 |