例句 |
assertionsnounpl. of assertion a solemn and often public declaration of the truth or existence of somethingthe assertion that all men have certain unalienable rights is set forth in the Declaration of Independence affirmations, asseverations, avouchments, avowals, claims, declarations, insistences, professions, protestations allegationsannouncements, proclamations, pronouncementsarguments, justifications, rationalizations, reasonsconfirmations, reaffirmations, reconfirmations, vindications disavowals disclaimerschallenges, disputes, questionsconfutations, disproofs, rebuttals, refutationscontradictions, denials, negations an idea or opinion that is put forth in a discussion or debatemade the unlikely assertion that gravity affects light arguments, contentions, theses conjectures, guesses, hunches, hypotheses, speculations, surmises, theoriesproposals, propositionsassumptions, presuppositions, suppositionspositions, standscases, explanations, rationales, reasons |