例句 |
oligarchynoun a small group of people who exercise control over a country, business, etc.Critics complain that the government is now dominated by an oligarchy of wealthy businesspeople. juntabunch, circle, clan, clique, club, coterie, coven, crowd, galère, lot, network, pack, set, teamcabal, conspiracy, crew, gang, Mafia, mob, ring, syndicate government that is controlled by a small group of peopleThe nation was an oligarchy with election results manipulated to maintain a permanent ruling class. dyarchy(also diarchy), duumvirate, triarchy, triumviratedictatorship, monarchy, monocracy, sovereign(also sovran), theocracycity-state, microstate, ministate, nation-statedomain, dominion, empire, kingdom, realm, republicduchy, dukedom, emirate, principality, seigniory(or seignory), sultanateclient state, colony, condominium, dependency, mandate, province, settlement, soil, trust territoryfatherland, homeland, motherlandgreat power, power, sea power, superpower, world powerwelfare statecommonwealth, country, land, nation, sovereignty(also sovranty), state in 1542 |