

单词 on guard
例句 on guardphrase

paying close attention usually for the purpose of anticipating approaching danger or opportunitySince it was hunting season, we wore brightly colored vests and remained on guard while hiking.

alert, Argus-eyed, attentive, awake, observant, open-eyed, tenty(also tentie, Scottish), vigilant, watchful, wide-awake

alive, aware, conscious, sensitivecognizant, heedful, keen, mindful, observing, regardful, sharp, sharp-eyedhyperalert, hypervigilant, sleepless, wakefulcareful, cautious, chary, waryprepared, ready

on one's toes, on the alert, on the ball, on the qui vive, on tiptoe


absent, absentminded, absorbed, abstracted, daydreaming, dazed, distracted, dreaming, dreamy, engrossed, faraway, insensible, oblivious, preoccupiedsleeping, unaware, unconscious, unknowing, unwittingcareless, heedless, inattentive, unheeding, unmindful, unthinking, unwaryunprepared, unready





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