例句 |
assessmentnoun a charge usually of money collected by the government from people or businesses for public usehated paying the annual assessment on his car duty, imposition, impost, levy, tax direct tax, personal taxcapitation, custom(s), excise, hidden tax, income tax, poll tax, property tax, sales tax, single tax, sin tax, tariff, toll, tribute, value-added tax, withholding taxsupertax, surcharge, surtaxdeath tax, estate tax, inheritance taxflat tax, proportional tax an opinion on the nature, character, or quality of somethingI'm far too quiet, in the assessment of my new boss appraisal, appraisement, estimate, estimation, evaluation, fix, judgment(or judgement), value judgment aperçu, feeling, impression, notion, perceptionconfidence, faith, stock, trustbelief, conviction, mind, persuasion, sentiment, viewconjecture, guess, hunch, hypothesis, surmise, theory the act of placing a value on the nature, character, or quality of somethingwe may have been too hasty in our assessment of the value of the property appraisal, appraisement, estimate, estimation, evaluation, reckoning, valuation calculation, computation, measurement, mensurationaudit, check, checkup, examination, inspection, review, scan, scrutiny, surveyreassessment, transvaluationoverestimation, overevaluationunderestimation in 1534 |