例句 |
sheepnoun an innocent or gentle personhe came to see that the members of the cult were sheep who naively went along with whatever their leader dictated angel, dove, innocent, lamb babe, colt, cub, fledgling, greenhorn, ingenue(or ingénue), naïf(or naif), newbie, tenderfoot, virgincherub, saintmollycoddle, sissy, softy(or softie), weakling, wimpdupe, pigeon, sap, sucker wolf bully, roughneck, rowdy, toughbeast, boor, cad, churl, clown, creep, cretin, cur, heel, jerk, joker, louse, lout, slobshark, skunk, snake, stinkerdevil, knave, miscreant, no-good, rapscallion, rascal, reprobate, rogue, scalawag(or scallywag), scamp, scoundrel, varlet, villain before the 12th century |