例句 |
sheepishlyadverb in a manner showing no signs of pride or self-assertionthe younger boy, who idolized the older one, would sheepishly follow him around and be at his beck and call abjectly, deferentially, hat in hand, humbly, lowly, meanly, meekly, modestly, submissively obsequiously, servilely, subservientlyfearfully, mousily, timidlybashfully, diffidently, self-deprecatingly, shyly, timorouslycivilly, courteously, politely, respectfully, suppliantly cap in hand arrogantly, audaciously, boldly, brashly, brazenly, contemptuously, haughtily, huffily, imperiously, loftily, pompously, presumptuously, pretentiously, pridefully, proudly, scornfully, self-importantly, superciliously, swaggeringly, uppishly fearlesslydiscourteously, disdainfully, disrespectfully, impertinently, rashly, recklessly, saucilybitchily, impolitely, impudently, rudely, uncivilly, ungraciously |