例句 |
shopsnounpl. of shop also shoppesan establishment where goods are sold to consumersthe only shop that has that video game in stock is halfway across the state bazaars, emporiums(also emporia), stores marketplaces, markets, outlets, showroomsboutiques, chain stores, department stores, dime stores, exchanges, five-and-tens(also five-and-dimes), marts, mini-marts, thrift shops, variety storesbig boxes, supercenters, superstores a building or set of buildings for the manufacturing of goodsa machine shop factories, manufactories, mills, plants, works, workshops sweatshopsateliers, studios, workplaces, workroomsyards the special terms or expressions of a particular group or fieldthe patient impressed her cardiologist with her ability to talk shop argots, cants, dialects, jargons, jives, languages, lingos(or lingoes), patois, patter, shoptalk, slangs, terminologies, vocabularies colloquialisms, colloquials, idioms, localisms, parlances, pidgins, provincialisms, regionalisms, speeches, vernacularisms, vernacularsslanguagesbureaucrateses, computereses, cyberspeaks, educationeses, governmenteses, journaleses, technobabbles |