例句 |
good-fellowshipnoun kindly concern, interest, or supportin the spirit of good-fellowship, the opposing softball players asked us to join them for drinks after the game amity, benevolence, brotherhood, charity, cordiality, cordialness, fellowship, friendliness, friendship, gemütlichkeit, goodwill, kindliness, neighborliness bonhomie, camaraderie, collegiality, community, companionship, company, comradeshipcivility, comity, concord, harmony, rapport, rapprochementgenerosityaffinity, communion, empathy, kindness, sympathy, tolerancealtruism, philanthropy, selflessness, unselfishness ill will, malevolence, venom disfavor, intoleranceanimosity, antagonism, antipathy, enmity, hate, hatred, hostility, incivility, malice, rancorbelligerency, quarrelsomeness, querulousness |