例句 |
goofs (off)verbpresent tense third-person singular of goof (off) to spend time doing nothingreturned home unannounced and found the au pair goofing off bums, chills, dallies, dawdles, dillydallies, drones, footles, hacks (around), hangs about(British), hangs (around or out), idles, kicks around, kicks back, lazes, lazies, loafs, lolls, lounges, vegges out(or veges out) fiddles (around), fools, messes, monkeys, mucks, piddles, plays, potters (around), putters (around), triflesdozes, estivates(also aestivates), hibernateslags, lingers, loiters, pokes, relaxes, rests, tarriesambles, moseys, saunters, strolls, swansfurloughs, goldbricks, malingers, truants kills time, twiddles one's thumbs drudges, grinds, grubs, humps, hustles, labors, moils, pegs, plods, plows, plugs, slaves, sweats, toils, travails, worksapplies, buckles (down)exerts, puts out |