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verticaladjective rising straight upa vertical cliff face erect, perpendicular, plumb, raised, stand-up, standing, upright, upstanding elevated, lifted, upended, upraisedsemierectfreestanding, stand-alone flat, recumbent prostrate, supinediagonal, hanging, sagging, slant, slanted, slanting, slanty vertical, perpendicular, plumb mean being at right angles to a base line.vertical suggests a line or direction rising straight upward toward a zenith.the side of the cliff is almost vertical perpendicular may stress the straightness of a line making a right angle with any other line, not necessarily a horizontal one.the parallel bars are perpendicular to the support posts plumb stresses an exact verticality determined (as with a plumb line) by earth's gravity.make sure that the wall is plumb in 1559 |